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Home Blog Each Room Has Its Function and Character

Each Room Has Its Function and Character

>>  Colours in Your Home (5 tips)  3/5

Identify the function of each of your rooms and determine how much time per week you spend in each of them. This exercise might seem easy for the bedroom, the kitchen and the bathroom, but for some other rooms it is more difficult to establish their characteristics. There are two types of rooms in a house : those where you live and those that are secondary.
In the rooms where you spend a lot of time, colours must be carefully chosen in order to provide harmony and calmness. In your secondary rooms, you can unleash your creativity and experiment bright colours and contrast.

Decorating Tips

The most problematic rooms are often the hallway, entrance hall and stairwell. These transitional spaces are often next to several rooms and connect together all the elements of your interior design. Select neutral colours or a colour from each of your rooms to paint the walls of your transitional spaces.


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