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Home Blog 4 Indispensable Elements for a Productive and Comfortable Home Office

4 Indispensable Elements for a Productive and Comfortable Home Office

Woman working from home

With recent efforts to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 outbreak, many people find themselves forced to work from home. One way for us to play our part is to help you create a comfortable home office environment where you feel productive.

If you are one of those people suddenly working from home for the first time, then perhaps you are wondering how to create a productive and comfortable home office. Lucky for you, we can help you discover exactly which elements can help boost your productivity and overall comfort.

The Perfect Desk

Betsar standing desk

Choosing the perfect desk will depend greatly on the amount of space you can dedicate to your home office. 

An ideal desk will feature a large work surface and multiple storage solutions. If you have an entire room to set up your office in, then you might consider an executive L-shaped or U-shaped office desk. With convenient additions such as hutches and pedestals, these desks are especially useful for anyone with a lot of paperwork and files.

If you do not have that much space to set up your office, fret not! Models such as standing desks or desk shells are smaller and less bulky, but they still allow you to create a comfortable home office space. A standing desk has the added bonus of being ergonomic, allowing you to alter your position from sitting to standing throughout your work day. 

If you are still worried about not having enough space for your desk, then you might want to take a look at Bestar’s small desks, which are specifically designed to maximize your square footage.

Clever Storage Solutions

Bestar lateral file cabinet

You might not have the space for a large office desk, but perhaps you do have the space for some office storage units. If you do, it would be wise to invest in a piece of furniture that can help you keep your space organized and clutter-free. 

A good place to start is with a file cabinet. Keeping your paperwork in a designated location, away from your desk where you might accidentally spill coffee on something important, is always a good idea. 

If you have more books and desk accessories than you do paperwork, you should probably consider a bookcase. A proper bookcase adds a sense of sophistication to any home office and having a place nearby to display your belongings will increase your overall comfort.

If you want the best of both worlds, why not opt for a credenza? They feature both closed and open storage, and many models include drawers with letter/legal filing systems.

Keeping your space organized is one of the best ways to reduce your stress, which ultimately allows you to be more productive and to feel comfortable in your office space.

An Ergonomic Office Chair

Comfortable home office with chair

Even if you choose a standing desk, odds are you will spend the majority of your day sitting at your desk. That’s why choosing an ergonomic chair is essential to creating a comfortable home office. 

One of the main qualities you want to look for in a desk chair is adjustability. The more adjustable elements included on the chair, the easier it is to configure the chair to suit your needs. Try looking for a chair with adjustable height settings (to choose how high or low you sit), adjustable armrests (to make sure your shoulders are not raised too high when working), and an adjustable backrest (to choose how straight you want to sit).

You will also want to look for a chair that offers good lumbar support. Taking care of your back and your body with the right office chair is not just about ensuring comfort in the present, but about avoiding unpleasant muscular discomfort or back pain in the future as well. Your back will thank you for thinking of it!

Next, you probably want to consider a desk chair with casters to provide you with ultimate mobility. Being able to move your chair around means not wasting time getting up and getting something nearby. This also means that you won’t have to reposition yourself each time you sit back down because you won’t need to get up in the first place.

If you want to know more about how to choose your office chair, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides a handy list of features that make up a good office chair. Bush Business Furniture also offers a wide range of ergonomic office chairs that could help you work in ultimate comfort.

Convenient Office Accessories

Bush Business Furniture Thrive collection

While a good desk, clever storage solutions, and an ergonomic chair all contribute to creating a comfortable home office environment, there is still one more element which will boost both your productivity and level of comfort: office accessories. 

Never underestimate the power of a practical, and perhaps even fun, office accessory. Different types of accessories can provide different types of comfort.

For physical comfort, consider the following accessories:

  • Keyboard tray
  • Foot rest
  • Standing stool
  • Anti-fatigue comfort mat
  • Laptop/Computer stand

Bush Business Furniture’s Thrive collection features several pieces that can help improve your physical comfort while working.

For emotional comfort, try these desk accessories:

  • Plants
  • Artwork
  • Travel souvenir
  • Family photos
  • Scented candle

Items that produce emotional comfort also tend to contribute to your decor, meaning you can personalize your home office space to your liking while also improving your morale.

Including a mixture of items that provide both physical and emotional comfort will ultimately boost your happiness, and therefore, your productivity in your home office space. 

We hope that with this information you now are now able to confidently set up a productive and comfortable home office space to help ease yourself into this new reality of working from home.

Home Office

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