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Home Blog ’Tis the Season for Spring Cleaning – Tidy, Organize, Transform!

’Tis the Season for Spring Cleaning – Tidy, Organize, Transform!

cabinet bed kitchen living room

After a hard winter, and an even harder year, spring cleaning has never been more necessary – or more satisfying!

Springtime is the season of new beginnings. And after the year we’ve had, not to mention the bitterly cold mid-winter, a fresh start is what we all need. While the usual spring-break getaway isn’t in the cards, change is still something we can look forward to.

This year, that change can be a much-needed spring cleaning. A combination of purge and polish will leave our homes, and us, refreshed and organized – and more than ready for a change of season.

Here are a few ideas to inspire you, along with the encouragement you need to transform your home, your spring, and your life, room by room.

De-Mud the Mudroom!

mudroom and closet organizer

If there’s one room in the house that takes on the brunt of winter, and could use a thorough spring cleaning, it’s the mudroom. Wet boots, damp jackets – the worst of winter weather brought indoors – can take their toll throughout the fall and winter. 

Now, with spring on its way and days getting lighter and warmer, we’re bound to spend a lot more time outside. Still, all the wonderful outdoor activities we enjoy — gardening and yard work, sports, and more — come with their own mess that gets tracked into the house. Yet another season during which the mudroom continues to be a common drop zone! 

To keep one of the most utilitarian rooms in your home clean, tidy, and super-functional, here are a few things you can do:

Cull and deep clean: First step, take a seasonal approach. Remove the winter clutter to make room for all the warm weather necessities. Identify underutilized things and donate items you know get little or no use or that the kids have outgrown. You can now clean and disinfect all the nooks and crannies – remove all the dirt and grime that has collected since last summer (or, for some of us, well beyond!). Wipe down and clean everything from door handles and baseboards to shelves, storage bins and baskets, and the closet. Chances are the walls may need a good wipe-down too.

A fresh coat of paint: Once empty and clean, you can use the opportunity to see if the room needs a paint refresh. More than any other room, the mudroom is vulnerable to the most mess and damage from bringing the elements indoors. You may find that the deep clean just doesn’t cut it. Perhaps a fresh coat of paint may be just what the room needs to give it new life and durability. Choose a VOC-free paint and be sure to open the door and windows to keep the space fresh.

Organize: Collect similar items into individual groupings and establish respective storage zones. Incorporate clever storage solutions, such as an attractive mudroom shelving unit with cubbies, hooks, and even spacious drawers, to help make more space for items big and small. Install oversized hooks on spare walls to keep jackets off the floor and easy to find. It’s also best to assign a hook to each family member to keep the space even easier to manage.
Don’t forget doormats: A doormat helps catch dirt and germs as you walk in the door. Keep one indoors and lay one outside too, to double-up the dirt collection and protection.

Make Room for Living in Your Living Room

living room big windows coffee tables

While many of us can maintain our living rooms, springtime is the perfect opportunity to go deeper than mere maintenance. Here a few ways to make your spring cleaning last all year long:

Start by tidying up: Take a half-hour or so to do a preliminary round of tidying-up. Declutter to clear surfaces and floor space in preparation to go deeper.

Bust the dust: Dusting can be like cilantro – you love it or hate it! No matter how you feel about it, a thorough spring cleaning must include a good dusting, from floor to ceiling. A feather duster or a vacuum with the appropriate attachment works best. Start high – don’t forget the ceiling fan – move down the walls to the baseboards and include corners, light switches, outlet plates, and vents. Dust and wipe your television and artwork, including frames. Dust everything from your valued collectibles to your lampshades to your books.

A note about your books: if your collection exceeds your storage space, go through them and see what you could donate or sell. Books can overwhelm shelves if the collection gets too big, which makes the room look cluttered and untidy.

Wash the drapes: Remove your curtains and blinds to wash them yourself or send them to the cleaners. It is also a great time to clean your window sills and wash your windows, inside and out.

Clean the carpets and rugs: As with the drapes, now’s the chance to evaluate if your floor coverings need deep cleaning. Rent a machine or send them to a professional cleaner, if necessary. A good vacuum and spot treatment might be all they need.

Consider your living room organization: With a freshly cleaned, decluttered space, this is an excellent opportunity to identify your organization and storage needs. How are you storing items such as electronics and other accessories? Think about how you use your space – do you work from your living room? Perhaps you tend to eat meals as you stream your favorite movies? An attractive and versatile lift-top coffee table might suit your space and lifestyle more efficiently. Speaking of your entertainment, how can you better store all of your entertainment electronics – television, gaming consoles and more? A solid, durable, and attractive TV stand can meet the demand in space-saving style.

From Bedroom to Clean and Tidy Tranquil Retreat

bedroom with neutral colors

A messy bedroom will only add to your stress and anxiety. The place where you sleep should be a peaceful refuge to rest and recharge away from the various demands of your life. 

Spring cleaning can transform your bedroom into an inviting retreat that leaves you calmer, more relaxed, and better prepared for anything the day may bring.

As with the living room, begin with general tidying up – pick everything up off the floor and clear any clutter. Laundry should be put in its place, whether that’s in the hamper or cleaned and put away. Strip the bed and clean the sheets. 

Then it’s time to tackle your closet. Clothes and shoes have a way of multiplying and taking over. Go through your wardrobe and determine what you wear and what you know you don’t. Sell, donate, or toss as you see fit. 

What is the state of your closet organization? With a clean and tidy space, now is the time to target that old, inefficient closet shelf and hanger bar with an attractive and updated, not to mention more practical, closet organizer

Don’t forget to dust! From top to bottom, dust all corners, surfaces, artwork, and fixtures. Wipe down your mirrors, electronics, and windows, including the sills. Vacuum and mop the entire space, including corners and closets. Do your walls need spot cleaning or repair? Now is the time to do it. You can also consider a fresh coat of paint now that the room is clean.

Lastly, make your bed. There is nothing like fresh sheets to welcome you to bed!

Spring Cleaning Can Unearth Multi-Use Magic!

Your home office might be a new addition to your home, but that doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from some spring cleaning. After you’ve taken similar steps to those suggested for the other rooms in your home, you can approach your home office with fresh eyes and see the possibilities. Create an attractive and inviting space that easily meets multiple demands, with only a couple of thoughtfully chosen pieces.

Murphy Bed: An easy and cost-effective way to make any room multipurpose and stylish is with a Murphy bed. A Murphy bed makes any room multifunctional; it saves space and disappears into a cabinet when not in use. Choose a style that includes plenty of shelves and create a highly organized home office that easily converts into a cozy and inviting guest room. Choose a Murphy bed with desk and storage to convert any space in your home into a multifunctional room, no matter how small!

Sofa Murphy Bed: To create a genuinely multipurpose and productive home office/guest room, a sofa Murphy bed even provides for your office seating needs. The cozy seating along with ample storage for all of your office essentials camouflages a comfy guest bed when you need it.

Desk with Storage: The anchor for any office home, or otherwise, is a good desk. Your desk is vital to your comfort and productivity at work. Once you’ve completed your spring cleaning, you should consider how well your existing desk serves your workday demands. If it comes up short, consider the range of other desk options that might help you work more ergonomically and efficiently. If storage is what you lack, consider getting a filing cabinet to enhance your organization and productivity.


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