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Home Blog 6 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated and Productive when Working from Home

6 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated and Productive when Working from Home

Woman working form home in her living room with her cat

While working from home does come with benefits, we also understand that it can be tiresome to stay inside at your desk all day. That’s why it is important to perform activities that will help you stay motivated and productive when working from home.

We understand that many people are working from home right now to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. We applaud your efforts, and we want to help you stay motivated during this difficult time! We’re hoping the following 6 steps will have a positive impact on your productivity as you work from home.

1. Maintain a routine

Family brushing their teeth together

No matter how tempting it may be to wake up 10 minutes before you start work, stay in your pajamas all day, and work from your couch, it is best to avoid such habits. The best way to encourage yourself to be as productive as usual is to maintain the routine that you would normally adhere to before heading off to work. 

Make sure you wake up at an hour that gives you enough time to eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and get dressed. If you normally shower in the morning, then take time for that as well. While it makes sense to omit a blazer when working from home, it also makes sense to throw your pajamas in the hamper and wear some day clothes. 

All of these steps should help you get ready for the day! Moreover, they should help you feel good, physically and emotionally. Maintaining proper personal and oral hygiene contributes to your physical comfort, which in turn makes it easier for you to stay positive and motivated.

If your children are at home too, encourage them to follow your routine with you. Going through your routine as a family will be more fun and will encourage everyone to productively tackle the day ahead.

2. Set up an appropriate home office

Bestar desk shell

If you feel like you’re stuck working inside your house, then you probably won’t want to work. However, if you set up a serious and professional space, you will most likely feel ready to get to work. 

Not everyone has the space to set up a grand home office, and that is okay! There are many creative ways to set up home offices with limited space. For example, you might try installing a desk in an empty corner or maybe even in a closet. Bestar offers several desks that would be up for the task. 

Once you have established where your desk should be, you’ll want to make sure you have storage options that suit your needs. If you have enough floor space, then you should consider a file cabinet or mobile pedestal. If not, you can always try a unique set of floating shelves to provide both functionality and style to your home office. 

With a proper desk and appropriate storage solutions, your home office will feel welcoming and professional. Having a clean and organized space dedicated to your work is the perfect way to boost your motivation. 

It will be much easier to complete your work if you do your best to separate your home office from the rest of your home. That way, once your workday is finished, you can feel like you are actually transitioning from one space to the next and not staying in the same environment all day.

3. Get some fresh air

Woman jogging with her dog

Spring is in full swing, meaning it’s the perfect time to go for a walk or a jog. Unless otherwise specified by your government and health officials, going outside for a short walk, while still maintaining social distancing, is perfectly acceptable. 

Simply remember to maintain a safe distance from others, wash your hands on your way in and out of your home, and avoid touching your face. Most importantly, if you are sick, stay home (for more information on the guidelines in your area, please visit your government’s website). 

If you have a dog, be sure to take it with you! Your pet will appreciate the fresh air as well, and the exercise might reduce its energy level, meaning it will probably be less likely to disturb you while you’re hard at work. 

If you find yourself unable to go for a walk or a jog, then at least crack open a window to air out your space and enjoy some of that fresh spring air! Working from home will be much more pleasant with some sunshine and a breeze!

4. Keep in touch with your colleagues

Young man videoconferencing with his coworker

One of the best ways to maintain a sense of normalcy is to keep in touch with your colleagues. If you usually work in an office with different people, then it makes sense that you might become lonely when working from home. 

Instead of just sending your questions and requests by email, take the time to set up a phone call or a video conference call with one or more of your colleagues. Not only does this give you the chance to be social, but it is generally easier to talk something through in person than through email. Thanks to platforms such as Zoom or Skype, it is easier than ever to see and hear your colleagues when working from home.

It might also be helpful to set up a weekly meeting for everyone to participate in. That way you can go over your tasks for the week, and check in on one another. Maintaining those relationships and reminding yourself that you work with a team that supports you but also relies on you is a good way to ensure that you do your best to remain productive.

5. Exercise

Mother and daughter doing yoga together

Next, it’s important to keep your body moving! With gyms and fitness studios being closed for safety measures, it’s not easy to find the time or motivation to exercise. Nevertheless, it remains crucial to your overall health. 

Many fitness teachers and coaches are choosing to provide free online exercise classes to keep people moving while they’re at home. So it is the perfect time to try something new. Exercising should not be a chore, and it can be very fun when you find the right type of activity for you. 

Getting your whole family involved is also one way to ensure that everyone in your home is getting the exercise they need. Having several people cooped up in one home can get a little chaotic. This is why helping everyone release some pent up energy through exercise can go a long way. It’s also much easier to be productive in your home office when you feel good after exercising. 

If you’re looking to ease into exercising, then perhaps yoga is a good place to start. Yoga blends physical exercise with meditation and breathing practices, providing a stress-free but effective workout. If you are interested in starting yoga at home, you might want to consult Yoga with Adriene, a youtube channel that provides free yoga videos and that has over 6 million subscribers.

6. Eat healthy

Woman with bowl of healthy greens

Even with regular exercise and short walks, staying inside for such long periods of time can take a toll on your physical and mental health. One of the best ways to ensure you stay energized and motivated is by maintaining a healthy diet. 

In an article for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. Eva Selhub discusses the mental health benefits of “traditional” diets low in processed foods and high in fermented foods which contain good bacteria. During such stressful times, it is wise to consider reducing the amount of sugary and processed foods you eat to help control your stress and anxiety levels. It is important to do what you can to improve your mental health because feeling good is an essential part of being productive.

Trying new recipes is also a great way to divert your attention from the monotony of staying inside. Make it a family event, and get everyone involved in the preparation of a big, healthy meal. Any leftovers you have can make a great lunch that you can look forward to on the next day!

Establishing a routine that includes these 6 activities should help you feel motivated and productive. We hope that these tips make working from home more pleasant for you, and remember, being productive starts with taking care of yourself!

Home Office

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