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Home Blog Valentine’s Day Fun! 5 Arts and Crafts Ideas for the Kids… Big and Small!

Valentine’s Day Fun! 5 Arts and Crafts Ideas for the Kids… Big and Small!

Valentines hearts

Valentine’s Day can be a celebration of not only love but creativity, too. Break out the glue, scissors and a variety of other elements for love-inspired crafty fun for the whole family!

Regardless your feelings about the validity of Valentine’s Day as a holiday, enjoy the excuse to indulge in a special meal and some bubbly to wash down sweet chocolate treats—oh, and a few extra hugs & kisses!—and break up the mid-winter doldrums!
In anticipation of the Day of Love, here are some creative and constructive ideas to pass the time: fun and easy projects to keep you and your little loved ones busy during these short and frigid February days.

Cute Valentine’s Day Cushions

heart pillows
Little stuffed fabric hearts are an easy and thoughtful beginner sewing project for adults and school-aged children alike. Gather up fabric scraps and other materials, including embroidery thread, beads, ribbons, and other decorative bits and pieces.
These cushions make a wonderful and lasting gift for a special someone or another pretty ornament in your seasonal decorating toolbox!

Paper Heart LED Garland

Paper hearts are perfect for small hands new to scissors – so very easy to cut but with high reward for little ones.
The mini string of LEDs and the tiny clothespins make for a project that’s wonderfully kid-sized.
Fold colorful craft paper in half, draw your half a heart and begin the cutting.
Simply uncoil the lights and clip up your string of hearts.

Crochet Heart

Crochet heart
Another terrific learning opportunity for even younger children! They just need the motor skills to be able to manage a line of twine, jute, or yarn and a crochet hook and a little help from mom or dad.
This is a wonderfully easy project for anyone, young or old, even if you’re new to crochet.
Reinforcing the simple fundamentals of the popular textile art allows you to learn fast and take your new skills to make even more complicated projects.
Create just a single heart or string together several in a pretty garland.

Long-Lasting Paper Bouquet

paper heart
Instead of a traditional bouquet of roses, create a unique and long-lasting paper alternative.
Big bang for your buck, this super-easy paper art project is fun for kids and parents alike.
Making these delicate little floral gems gives children the opportunity to add their brand of creative flair that mom or dad will appreciate long after a regular Valentine’s blooms have dropped their petals.
Choose your colors, sizes, maybe even break out the paints and crayons to bring the flowers to unique and festive life!

Handmade Mixed-Media Vintage Valentine’s Cards

Valentine cards
One of the easiest and fastest handmade projects for Valentine’s Day is a homemade greeting card. Great for parents and kids and as simple or involved as you wish it to be.
This year, however, change things up a little, look beyond the typical colored markers and pencils and try for more of a mixed-media vintage effect. This is your chance to pull out all the creative, card-making stops, and show that special someone exactly how much you love them!
Let your creativity fly with a variety of items such as doilies (paper or fabric), flower images from old cards, books, or magazines, fabric scraps, jute, and lace alongside your usual colors and paints. Don’t forget the various shaped pinking shears for a lovely finishing touch.
Release your imagination and this year’s Valentine’s gifts will make a bold and lovely statement, sure to be keepsakes that will last for years.


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