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Home Blog Working from Home? Here Are 5 Reasons to Choose a Standing Desk for Your Home Office

Working from Home? Here Are 5 Reasons to Choose a Standing Desk for Your Home Office

Bestar L-Shaped Standing Desk

If you’re wondering how a standing desk can impact the overall remote work experience, then you’ve come to the right place. Working from home has become a reality for many people, and for some companies, it is also becoming the new normal. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught employers that working from home is far from taboo and can actually lead to an increase in employee productivity. 

In fact, allowing your employees to work from home can also save your business a lot of money on real estate; with fewer workers who need to be physically present in the office, you can downsize on your office space. With all the money they’re saving on building rentals, many companies find it reasonable and more than fair to help their employees create a proper home office by covering some of their expenses. After all, a suitable home office environment is crucial to creating an effective work from home staff.

One of the best ways to ensure ultimate comfort and great productivity rates when working at home is with a standing desk, also known as a height-adjustable desk or a sit-stand desk. These ergonomic desks allow the user to lift the desktop with the simple push of a button so they can work in a standing position. The opportunity to switch from sitting to standing while working can significantly improve the work from home experience by providing users with a host of benefits.

Keep reading to discover 5 advantages of having a standing desk in your home office.

1. Pain Relief

Employee with back pain

Arguably, the most exciting benefit of having a standing desk in your home office is its ability to relieve stress and tension in the body. Did you know that prolonged sitting can contribute to unpleasant health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and more? That’s right, sitting is not an ideal position for your body, and when you work 8 hours or more at a desk, it can be difficult to find reasons to stand and move around.

With a standing desk, however, the opportunity to move and stretch your legs is always present! Moreover, standing can encourage you to maintain a better posture. When sitting, even if our desks are adjusted at the proper height, we tend to lean towards our computer screens, which results in a hunched posture. This can create tension in your neck, shoulders, and back, which can lead to long term muscle pain. 

When in a standing position, it can feel more natural to maintain a straight posture. The key to ensuring this healthy posture, however, is to set up your desk so that your elbows are bent at about a 90° angle when your arms are resting on your desk and so your shoulders are relaxed. You might also find that alternating between a sitting and standing position a few times throughout your workday will relieve pressure on your hips as well.

2. Standing Desks Are Versatile

Bestar L-Shaped Standing Desk in Home Office

Standing desks are also perfect for a home office because they are extremely versatile. They come in a variety of sizes, which make them equally suited for small spaces or large office areas. If you happen to have an entire extra room that is designated to become a home office, then perhaps you will want a larger standing desk. 

Some models are designed like L shaped desks, and you can choose between a version where the entire L shaped surface moves up and down or where the L shape is created by combining a regular standing desk with a desk shell at a 90° angle. The latter allows you to adjust one desktop while the other stays at a regular seated height. This kind of flexibility provides you with both the opportunity to stand while working and a spot to place heavier office equipment such as a computer tower or a printer. 

We also understand that you may not have all that much space to set up your home office. That is when a regular standing desk comes in handy. Standard models can be as small as 24 by 48 inches, meaning you can easily fit one in a corner or perhaps even in a closet or a nook under the stairs. Most standing desks also have an open leg design which means you can easily fit a small filing cabinet or mobile pedestal beneath your desk. A small space doesn’t have to restrict you, and you can truly make the most of your space with a height-adjustable desk.

3. Increased Productivity

Happy young employee working from home

It might come as a surprise to learn that standing desks can help boost your productivity, but studies have shown that these amazing desks can indeed help. One logical explanation for this increase in productivity can be found in the health benefits. If you feel better, physically and mentally, when working, then it will show in the quality of your work as well.

Standing while working also gets your blood flowing, which in turn enhances your brain activity. This can affect your focus and creativity, ultimately helping you feel better equipped to handle the challenges you face during your workday. 

Employers often worry about productivity rates dropping when they allow their staff to work from home, but in many cases, the opposite actually occurs. However, if employers want to ensure the highest possible increase in productivity rates, then perhaps they should encourage their employees to set up standing desks in their home offices.

4. Modern Look

Bestar Standing Desk

Your home is your comfort zone; it is a space away from work that reflects your tastes and your personality. So, when you have no choice but to bring work into your home and set up a home office, you want it to fit with your decor. Moreover, you want to feel at ease and comfortable in this new workspace. Luckily, standing desks are sleek, modern and unobtrusive, which allows your new sit-stand desk to easily blend into your space. 

Standing desks can come in a variety of colors and finishes. In fact, Bestar even offers certain models with real wood work surfaces that can contribute to a homey, rustic decor. With their contemporary designs, these desks are sure to help upgrade your space, and your friends and colleagues will certainly envy your practical and modern home office setup.

5. Overall Wellbeing

Happy female employee working from home

Lastly, having a desk with so many benefits will only improve your overall well being! If you feel comfortable and focused when working in your home office, then you are ensuring that you feel good for up to 8 hours. Less muscle pain and increased productivity will allow you to finish your workday on a high note every day and permit you to feel relaxed in the evenings. A standing desk is a great way to help yourself achieve that perfect work-life balance! 

So there you have it! Not only are standing desks cool and modern, but a height-adjustable desk can also improve your entire work from home experience. Setting up an ergonomic workstation and a proper home office that benefits productivity is crucial for remote workers. 

Many large companies, such as Google, understand the importance of a designated work zone in their remote workers’ homes, and will therefore be offering their employees an allowance to cover certain home office expenses. Perhaps your company is ready to take on this new challenge and to help your employees purchase home office furniture that is specially designed for comfort, durability, and style. Afterall, happy and comfortable employees are productive employees.

Home Office

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